Mission Statement and Editor's Comments
You will find that this site is in various states of construction. I hope eventually to be able to present information on local railroads, including history, and historical and contemporary images. Railroads were extremely important to economic and technological development in our country. The feats and foibles of our local railroads reflect what was going on all over the country, and catalogs well the rise and fall of rail travel.
Please take a look around, and come back often for NEW developments!
Excalibur Intellectual Properties © 1999-2008
A note on the images on this site:
I have used thumbnail images on this site in order to expedite loading of the individual pages. You can click on any image to see a full-page version of any image. All images are mine unless otherwise noted, and cannot be used without my permission (basically, I don't want money, but I would like credit.) Enjoy!
What's New!
3/8/2008 - Page Up!
Send questions or comments to: pauls@southernnewyorkrailway.org
Excalibur Intellectual Properties © 1998-2008